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  4. Install OpMon 10.0 in Red Hat 8.x / CentOS 8.x / Oracle Linux 8.x
  1. Home /
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  5. Install OpMon 10.0 in Red Hat 8.x / CentOS 8.x / Oracle Linux 8.x
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  5. Install OpMon 10.0 in Red Hat 8.x / CentOS 8.x / Oracle Linux 8.x

Install OpMon 10.0 in Red Hat 8.x / CentOS 8.x / Oracle Linux 8.x


Install OpMon 10.x.

Minimal requirements

Server with one of OS below and preferably with the file system organised with /(20GB) and /var(rest of disk), respecting the minimal requirements:

  • Red Hat 8.x 64 bits
  • CentOS 8.x 64 bits
  • Oracle Linux 8.x 64 bits
  • Unrestricted access to the internet to update the OS and install OpMon
  • OS installation should be minimal!


After install the server, access as root and execute the command below:

# systemctl stop firewalld
# systemctl disable firewalld
curl http://repo.opservices.com/rpms/latest/opmon-install | bash

This command will download a script and will install the needed packages to run OpMon 10.0. All environment configurations will be done automatically.


If any error occurs during the OpMon installation step, activate the CodeReady repositories in the OS:

Red Hat 8.x

subscription-manager repos --enable codeready-builder-for-rhel-8-x86_64-rpms

Oracle Linux 8.x

dnf config-manager --set-enabled ol8_codeready-builder


Access the OpMon interface

Use the command ifconfig or ip a to verify the IP address assigned to OpMon:

[root@opmon]# ifconfig

If you need to config your network, use the command below:

[root@opmon]# system-config-network

After identify the IP assigned to OpMon, you are ready to run the Wizard, click here to know about the Discovery.

Updated on 26/07/2023

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