

This plugin check through SNMP if a specific process is not running and return OK.

Compatible versions

  • OpMon 6.0 or higher.

Example of use and return of command

You must access the command directory before running it trough the following path: /usr/local/opmon/libexec/opservices/

On this example we will have a CRITICAL return because there are 5 process  running with the researched name .

[root@opmon]# ./ sshd
Critical - 5 processes with command name 'sshd'. / (3283) sshd: opuser // (3357) sshd: opuser@pts/2 // (3401) /usr/sbin/sshd // (14189) sshd: opuser // (14195) sshd: opuser@pts/1 /

On this example we will have an OK return because there aren’t process running with the researched name.

[root@opmon]# ./ "servico_exemplo"
Ok - Process 'servico_exemplo' not running.


  • Systems based on RPM packages (Redhat Package Manager)
Updated on 01/09/2021

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