Changelog OpMon 9.7

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Release date: 01/13/2020

Improvements / New Features

Availability report in HTML5

  • migrated to HTML5

Documentation in HTML

  • migrated to HTML5

Catalogo de Serviços

  • melhorias de usabilidade


19379 gearman worker can hang from time to time
19381 opcfg apply only has to write service configuration if host_name changes, when changing settings for hosts
19380 Opmon gearman API opens new connections ate each apply or traffic jobs, causing gearmand to hang when max connections are reached
19214 scat API throws a PHP fatal error if a item does not exist anymore
19384 gearman-utils should only process .conf files, not .conf.rpmsave files
19386 oplib Scat.php using a TaskRunner object that is not needed
19385 gearman utils alerts.php workers memory leak


19420 utils – /usr/local/opmon/utils/opmon-export.php PHP Fatal error: Using $this when not in object context in /usr/local/opmon/share/oplib/libphp/opmonclasses/TaskRunner.php on line 30
19421 Error when load trend chart with period “Last year”
19409 Avail simple report – when ordering the report by DOWN, checkboxes mark the wrong item
19410 Opdocs – accessing documentaton from statusgrid does not load it
19402 Avail trends – Y scale of graph mist start with o ( UP/OK) and to 3 Host and 4 Service

Updated on 01/09/2021

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