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Changelog OpMon 8.5.7

Click here to find out how to update your OpMon.
Release date: 01/07/2018

Improvements / New Features


  • push notifications for predictions and version updates to ONC

Samba 4

  • support for samba 4

Nagios / naemon

  • nagios / naemon migration tool for OpMon


17738 CP – Error generating CP for multiple elements
17736 Badge twit is not showing correctly on message list
17717 CP group by metrics must lock future prediction in off
17716 Badge notification API with PHP fatal error
17711 Badge duration is always showing in english
17709 Models – Segmentation fault in some models sometimes
17708 Badge duration is wrong when showing the day and month
17707 Removing hosts that have childen via statusgrid will break the configuration
17706 Audit log is not showing host_name for some services
17669 CP – some overwritten text can not be read on CP

Updated on 01/09/2021

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