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Monitoring NSClient++ 0.4.1 with OpMon


Describe how to use NSClient++ 0.4.1 monitoring model. To know more about models available to windows monitoring click here.

Click here if you don’t know which method is more recommended to monitor your equipment.

Target audience

OpMon Administrators and users who need to monitor Windows equipments through NSClient++ monitoring model.


  • Have NSClient installed on Windows equipment that you want to monitor. To learn more about NSClient++ installation click here.

Applying NSClient++ Monitoring Model

Select option “Add new host” to get started. This option can be accessed by host or services list. We will be adding an additional host from the services list according to the example below.

Click on “Windows”:

Click on “Use this model” on “NSClient++” model area.

Select the host that you want to monitor. Click on “Add new host manually” if the host hasn’t been discovered by Discovery yet:

Click on “Create a new host” on this area in order to insert the information related to host:

It’s already possible to notice the host added. Keep the element selected and click on “Next”:

You will see a screen similar to the one shown below where you must enter access data to server. Click on “Next”after filling in the access data.

Browse between tabs using the button “Next” and “Back” and select the services of each tab in order to select the services that you want to monitor according to the example shown below.

After selecting the services that you want to monitor proceed to the revision area where the elements are included. It’s also possible to expand the information about the elements by clicking on “+” according to image below:

It’s possible to make changes if necessary. After finishing the definitions, click on “Finish” to finish the process of adding elements through NSClient++ model.

Done! the elements were successfully included in the monitoring.

Updated on 31/08/2021

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