What is OpCEM?

Knowledge Base

OpCEM is a software to build user interface robots.
Through a virtual user, the solution is configured to do all the necessary paths to perform an activity such as: logging in to a restricted area, registering, making a purchase in a virtual store, etc. With OpCEM it is possible to discover broken links, if the website is out, software crashes, system slowdown and in what situations these problems happen.

Main Benefits

  • OpCEM helps automate the discovery of errors in your applications.
  • Discovery of the situations in which the errors happen by sending screenshots;
  • Automated service availability check;
  • Discover the real dimension of issues automatically;
  • Check the response time in each of the steps performed by the robot;
  • Prevent non SLA compliance;
  • Prevent unsatisfied users from application errors.
See a few situations that you can use OpCEM:

  • Monitoring virtual stores
  • Software test
  • Process automation
  • Image recognition


Updated on 01/09/2021

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