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  3. Minimum requirements to OpMon Traffic Analyzer Install

Minimum requirements to OpMon Traffic Analyzer Install

The information below is intended to provide general guidance on the hardware requirements needed to run OpMon Traffic Analyzer. As each customer is different in infrastructure, hardware requirements for monitoring can also vary.

The table below uses a recommendation based on the proportion of Probes per data volume, estimated at 1:500, that is, for each monitored Probe we have up to 500 MB of data/day generated by it. By Proble, we mean a data source, for example, a server that sends data from two distinct interfaces simultaneously are considered two (2) Probes;

Thus,  the provision of one (1) or more physical or virtual servers must be made available to meet the minimum acceptable requirements for installing OpMon Traffic Analyzer, as follows:

If there is as increase relative to the input of flows it is possible to scale, separating the interface access part of the part making the tract from the inlet stream. For cases where the number of Probes exceeds the delimited in the table above, we recommend performing a distinct project for the deployment, where we will measure the amount of traffic generated and grow the hardware as needed.


  • It is important to consider that these specifications were established for physical equipament. The use of virtual machines cause performance degradation when – on the same host – other virtual machines are also hosted, consuming shared resources (such as processor, memory and disk), invalidating the specifications descibed above.
  • Due to sharing resources in virtual machines, these may not be able to meet the needs of large hardware environments, even with performance improvements. Thus, we recommend installing on a physical server instead of a virtual machine.
  • The above requirements are considered minimal, and may need to be increased if there is a need to increase the system perfrormance.
  • We recommend that OpMon Traffic Analyzer be installed on a proprietary machine and not in conjunction with OpMon, so that there is no loss of performance on both features.
Updated on 01/09/2021

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