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  3. Minimum requirements OpMon

Minimum requirements OpMon

The information below intended to provide general guidance on the hardware requirements needed to run OpMon. As each customer is different in infrastructure, hardware requirements for monitoring can also vary.

The table below uses a recommendation based on the proportion of devices by services, estimated at 1:10, that is, for each monitored device we have up to 10 services for this device, following a 5 minute interval for checking on each monitored service. Thus, the provision of one (1) physical server meeting the minimum requirements acceptable for the installation OpMon is required, as can be seen below:


  • The above requirements are considered minimal and may need to be increased if there is a need to increase the system performance..
  • It is important to consider that these specifications were established for physical equipment. The use of virtual machines causes performance degradation when – on the same host – other virtual machines are also hosted, consuming shared resources (such as processor, memory and disk), invalidating the specifications described above.
  • Due to sharing resources in virtual machines, these may not be able to meet the needs of large hardware environments, even with performance improvements. Thus, we recommend installing on a physical server instead of a virtual machine.
  • The customer can choose to use fewer resources than recommended, but they take responsibility in case of performance degradation and/or resource constraints that prevent the platform to operate in full capacity and an upgrade be necessary.


  • CentOS 6 (It comes in .ISO or .ova the OpMon);
  • Processor: Dual Core 2 GHz or higher;
  • RAM memory of 2 GB or higher;
  • A hard disk drive (HDD) of 80 Gb;
  • A network interface controller (NIC) of 10 Mbits or higher;
  • Monitor with 1024×768 resolution or higher;
  • Firefox 45.x, Internet Explorer 11.x, Chrome 45.x, Safari 6.x or higher;
  • Adobe Flash Player 11.3 or higher.
Updated on 01/09/2021

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