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Error Message: “Unable to create the directory /usr/local/opmon”


Submit a solution for the error “Was not possoble to create the directory /usr/local/opmon” that occurs when trying to install the agent the SELinux is in enforcing mode.


When trying to install the agent accurs the Error: “Unable to create the directory /usr/local/opmon”


To solve this error, just modify the SELinux mode to Permissive during the installation, for that, follow the next steps:

1) Verify the SELinux mode

[root@localhost~]# getenforce

2) Changing the SELinux mode

In the previous example, it’s in the mode Enforcing, therefore we must modify the mode to Permissive. For that run the following command:

[root@localhost~]# setenforce Permissive

3) Checking the change

To verify if the command that was executed really changed the mode to Permissive, run again the command to verify the mode, see:

[root@localhost~]# getenforce

4) Finalizing

After finalizad the modification restart the agent installation.

Updated on 01/09/2021

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