This plugin monitors the CPU and memory consumption of a given application as well as process quantity that are on execution.
Compatible versions
- OpMon 5.3 or higher.
- OpMon API
- net-snmp
Exemple of use and retur of command
You must access the command directory before running it trough the following path: /usr/local/opmon/libexec/opservices/
[root@opservices]# ./check_snmp_proc.php --host= --community=public --name=httpd --warning=8,60,200 --critical=10,80,400 6 Process httpd - CPU Load: 8.59 % / Memory: 307.152 MB | process=6;8;10;0; cpu=8.59%;60;80;0;100 memory=307.152MB;200;400;0;
- CentOS and ReHat, both with repository installed.