This plugin aims to monitor the time spent using documented hosts and monitoring services on OpMon platform.
Compatible versions
- OpMon 5.0 or higuer
- PHP-5.3 or higher
- Mysql
Example of use and return of command
You must access the command directory before running it trough the following path: /usr/local/opmon/libexec/opservices/
[root@opmon]# .;check_documentacao_servico.php oprobot-win1 Robo_Loja_Virtual OK - Ultima revisao 2014-04-17 00:00:00 proxima em 2014-08-15 00:00:00.
On this example was set the parameter to warning of 120.
[root@opmon]@ ./check_documentacao_servico.php oprobot-win1 Robo_Loja_Virtual 120 WARNING - Documentacao aguardando atualizacao - 'Robo_Loja_Virtual' no host 'oprobot-win1' (15/08/14)