

This plugin is used to monitor whether a particular service is running on more than one of the nodes in a cluster.

Compatible versions

  • OpMon 5.3 or higher.


  • perl 5.8.8 or higher
  • strict;
  • Getopt::Long;
  • POSIX;
  • File::Basename;
  • nagios-plugins
  • nrpe-2x

Example of use and return of command

You must access the command directory before running it trough the following path: /usr/local/opmon/libexec/

On this example the return of command is CRITICAL, because it is running on 2 nodes at the same time.

[root@opmon]# ./ -H <IP ou NOME>, -c process -a "1: 1: rtgpoll"
: Running
: Running

On this example the return of command is OK, because it is running just on 1 nodo.

[root@opmon]# -H <IP ou NOME>:5666,<IP ou NOME>:5667 -c process -a "1: 1: rtgpoll"
: Not Running 
: Running

On this example the return of command is CRITICAL, because it is not running in any nodo.

[root@opmon]# -H <IP ou NOME>,<IP ou NOME>-c process -a "1: 1: rtgpoll"
: Not Running
: Not Running


  • CentOS 5.9 or higher
Updated on 01/09/2021

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