Changelog OpMon 9.6

Click here to find out how to update your OpMon.
Release date: 09/22/2020

Improvements / New Features

OpMon check endpoint and send results security

  • only user who can access the obejtct can send results to it and get its status

Windows plugin to monitor directory quota


19143 Bug CMDB sync – PHP error when merging arrays if one in NULL
19123 Bug merlin probe setup script is not setting up merlin probe configuration check


19161 Timeseries data summarization is needed for huge reports
19156 PHP workers can not have their configuration overwritten on update
19155 CP tabular can not handle a huge number of elements on screen


19151 Dirquota windows plugin fix
19195 Scat interface can timeout
19201 Scats table must habe a unique index by name


19273 Daily archive import script if setting some display_status as current_state 0
19272 Downtime popup on statusgrid showing wrong information
19218 Some ALERT logs are not being imported to the database
19289 OpMon free license has expired
19284 check_ic by KPIs must return OK if IC has no KPIs and show on the plugin output that the IC has no KPIs

Updated on 01/09/2021

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