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Changelog OpMon 8.5.4

Click here to find out how to update your OpMon.
Release date: 10/19/2018

Improvements / New Features

Tactical overview

Avail and capacity planning reports from statusgrid

Reports generated from the statusgrid will allow for report options to be changed before the reports in shown. This makes possible to use the advanced statusgrid filters to select which itens to add to the report

Dashboard combos

When assigning monitoring itens to dashboard widgets it is possible to search by string. Useful to quickly find elements in big configurations

Tactical Overview – duration by group

Shows the duration of the most critical element on the group

Tactical Overview – duration by IT service

Shows the duration of the most critical element in the IT Service

Grafana – OpMon datasourve value min and max


17545 Tactical OVerview – can not select and copy elements from grids
17542 IT Service OpMon comes with wrong check_command when installing via yum
17541 Discovery is adding the same network to be discovered after boot
17536 Seagall – in some cases, session_id could duplicate
17535 Scat migration script does not create the host associate with the catalog, like IT type
17521 Grafana stops running on AWS and a snapshot is created

Updated on 01/09/2021

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