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Changelog OpMon 8.5.10

Click here to find out how to update your OpMon.
Release date: 04/05/2019

Improvements / New Features

Grafana updated to version 6.1.0

New add monitor button

  • allow to quickly add a new device to be monitor


7964 Filters should be case insentive
17802 Filtro do not work for downtimes
17791 Seagull databases and tables creation missing
17856 opcfg API – modify_host is adding duplicate null itens on de database
17914 Discrepancy in service counting
17936 OpCFG apply API can not wait forever for apply jobs to finish
17945 gcontrol is not restarting the workers where opmon is running
17963 OpCFG – objects spreadsheet is not generating in big configurations

Updated on 01/09/2021

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