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  4. How to setting Sflow sending on a D-Link switch?
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  4. How to setting Sflow sending on a D-Link switch?

How to setting Sflow sending on a D-Link switch?

Use the following commands to setting Sflow sending from a D-Link switch to the OpMon Traffic Analyzer. In this configuration the sampling rate used will be 1 in 52 packets, and the probe will occur every 20 seconds using UDP port 6343.

enable sflow
create sflow analyzer_server 1 owner analyzer1 timeout infinite collectoraddress (IP_Do_OpMon_Traffic_Analyzer)
create sflow counter_poller ports all analyzer_server_id 1 interval 20
create sflow flow_sampler ports all analyzer_server_id 1 rate 512
Updated on 01/09/2021

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