This plugin validates the status of mod_gearman queue.
Compatible versions
- OpMon 6.0 or higher.
- Perl Modules:
- warnings;
- strict;
- IO::Socket;
- Getopt::Long;
- Pod::Usage;
- Data::dumper;
- Nagios::Plugin;
Example of use and return of command
You must access the command directory before running it trough the following path: /usr/local/opmon/libexec/opservices/
[root@opmon]# ./ --host=localhost --port=4730 --mode=orphaned_jobs WARNING: One orphaned queue found. [calculeAvail] | queues=1
[root@opmon]# ./ --host=localhost --port=4730 --mode=queue --queue=service --warn_jobs=10 --crit_jobs=20 --warn_worker=100 --crit_worker=120 OK: [Jobs waiting 65 (C=>20)] gearmand running version 'OK 0.33' - Queue: 'service' - Jobs waiting: 26 - Worker connected: 65 | waiting=26;10;20;0; worker=65;100;120;0;