Configuring root access on OpMon

Knowledge Base


Describe the procedures to perform the recommended configurations by OpServices.

Target audience

Intended for OpMon administrators and IT teams that need to modify the administrator password (root) and/or create a new user for remote access.

1) Configuring the root access password to Opmon

After installing is required to modify the administrator password for server remote maintenance on OpMon. For security reasonsIT’S NOT RECOMMENDED  to keep the default password. For that reason the procedure below must be followed.

a) Once logged in the console as administrator, follow the steps below (will be required to enter the password twice)

[root@opmon /]# passwd
Changing password for user root.
New UNIX password:
Retype new UNIX password:
passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully.
[root@opmon /]#

b) For security reasons the remote logins to the server OpMon occur with a user other than administrator. For that is used the user account opuser, therefore, is required to modify the access password for this as well; The procedure is the same used for the password modification of the Administrator user.

[root@opmon /]# passwd opuser
Changing password for user opuser.
New UNIX password:
Retype new UNIX password:
passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully.
[root@opmon /]#

As you type your password, the letters are not written on the screen. Just type it normally and press ENTER for the modification to come into effect.

Updated on 01/09/2021

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