

This plugin make a check trough SNMP on OIDs exported by OpenManager and return the values of fans temperature.

Compatible versions

  • OpMon 6.0 or higher.


  • net-snmp;
  • Dell OpenManager.

Example of use and retur of command

You must access the command directory before running it trough the following path: /usr/local/opmon/libexec/opservices/

[root@opmon]# ./ localhost public 'MOD 1'
Status dos Coolers ->  System Board FAN MOD 1A RPM(6360RPM) = OK    System Board FAN MOD 1B RPM(4200RPM) = OK   |'System Board FAN MOD 1A RPM'=6360RPM;;;; 'System Board FAN MOD 1B RPM'=4200RPM;;;;
Updated on 01/09/2021

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