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Changelog OpMon 8.5.8

Click here to find out how to update your OpMon.
Release date: 01/07/2018

Improvements / New Features


  • detailed push notification when Neoson detects possible future failure by object


17800 Dashgallery – wrong translation
17795 Badge new version OpMon – bad query format sometimes
17794 Grafana – when a user access Grafana, the menus language change com PT_BR to ENG_US
17778 Extinfo to Avail report is not filling the combo box with selected element
17783 opmonconnector – some queries fail when written to DB
17779 op-snmp-interface plugins must not alert for discards packets on interfaces
17774 Notification – undefined link in English
17773 Statusgrid services – after clenaing all filters, if you hit F5 a interrogation point will appear on the filter box marked as filtered and no services will be shown
17751 Badge – version update badge does to mark as read when a click in more information
17752 ONC – Neoson message needs a better text so the user knows where to go to see the predictions
17782 Extinfo to CP report is not filling the combo box with selected element

Updated on 01/09/2021

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