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Changelog OpMon 8.4.4

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Release date: 09/12/2018


17313 lmd 1.3.3 needs stats colum headers
17303 lmd.ini auto generation can not update source connection if database is not responding
17297 Extinfo host notifications disable / enable command sends the same command till extinfo is refreshed
17280 Dashboard not converting network interfaces speeds when no time period selected
17304 lmd is segfaulting
17262 External command to disable or enable notifications must change configuration
17264 External command to disable or enable flapping detection must change configuration
17260 External command to disable or enable active checks must change configuration
17263 External command to disable or enable event handler must change configuration
17261 External command to disable or enable passive checks must change configuration
17293 opdb must always log OK as HARD
17269 Capacity Planning – data on PDF and image exports are wrong
17226 Ack with expire accepting date / time in the past
17267 Shortcuts can duplicate on OpMon update

Updated on 01/09/2021

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