Changelog OpMon 8.3

Click here to find out how to update your OpMon.
Release date: 05/25/2018

Improvements / New Features

  • Gain visibility into all dashboards at a glance
  • Quicky access
  • Just one click to open or edit a dashboard


All changes to the system are now logged. All deleted, modified and added objects of OpMon are audited. To check it out, just go to Tools -> AuditBug FixesBug Fixes.

New monitoring models

We have 27 new monitoring models

  • Barracuda
  • Documenation
  • HP-UX
  • MongoDB
  • Windows Server
  • Windows 2008 R2 IIS
  • Microsoft Active Directory
  • Windows DHCP Server
  • Windows DHCP Server PT-BR
  • Windows 2008 R2 DNS
  • Microsoft Hyper-V
  • Microsoft Exchange Client Access Server
  • Microsoft Exchange Hub Transport Servers
  • Microsoft Exchange Mailbox Servers
  • Microsoft Exchange Server 2013
  • Microsoft Exchange Server App
  • Microsoft Exchange Common Servers
  • Switch Powerconnect
  • Windows 2003 -2008 FTP Server
  • Microsoft Exchange Server 2010
  • Microsoft ASP.NET
  • Microsoft ASP
  • Windows 2008 R2 -2012 FTP Server
  • Microsoft Web Service Cache
  • Microsoft Web Service
  • Dell OpenManage
  • Docker

Event log new interface and filters

The event log module was complete redone from scratch with a faster and more responsive interface. All the filters were redesigned and it is possible to filter by any log field. There is also the realtime mode, where you can check as the events are happening

Statusgrid upgrades

The host sand service grids had their usability and views enhanced

  • a more compact state summary
  • paging was moved to the end of the grid
  • selected objects are have the entire line marked to avoid confusion
  • tri-state checkbox behavior was extended to hosts on the services grid

Network outages enhancements

Show all hosts impacted by a host down, even if the impacted host is UP

New system dashboard Beta

We are intruducing what will be th enew home for the OpMon, from where the IT manager will have a complete overview of all the monitoring environment, from pure IT stats to Business monitoring processes. You can check it out from the menu Dashboards -> Home dashboard Beta, or just click on the logo on the upper left corner of the screen.

Bug Fixes

16795 PHP API Uncaught excepton on Livestatus classes in demo
16790 State summary filter – Ack and Downtime do not show hosts on services statusgrid
16787 ONC – ackownledgment and downtime are not working
16774 LMD cache – API must always use localhost to connect to LMD when livestatus is not available
16770 Inputs borders – Inputs comming from extjs do not render on Google Chrome in Windows 10
16763 Wizard deletion confirmation list – the button must stay disabled till the list of itens to be deleted is loaded
16749 Shortcut delete – user type opmonadmin must be able to remove a shortcut
16747 Ack with expire is not working
16740 OpCFG modify host API must not accept spaces at the begging and at the end of parameters
16730 Scat – not showing catalogs impacted by a failure
16727 ACK with expire – time combo only shows time from now to 00h
16726 Discovery – discovery queue is not cleaned when a job is removed and if server is rebooted, queue duplicates its jobs
16722 LMD can not do full updates on huge configuration
16717 Downtimes – planned downtimes do not show on Scheduled downtimes view
16716 Downtimes – can not remove planned downtimes
16682 Scat – user can add a service that no longer existes in the opcfg database, but it is still monitored because configuration was not applied yet
16681 Configuration wizard – renaming service via wizard cause some parameters to be lost
16677 Scat – service duplicated when Scat was edited
16646 opmonconnector / opdb duplicating external command when adding Downtimes
16645 Extinfo – downtime history must use end_time to show the last 31 days of downtimes
16639 status.sav – for some reason, sometimes, when updating OpMon, status.sav will loose part of the file, loosing some ACKs and Downtimes
16634 gearman-utils does not stop correctly everytime the init script is used
16633 Dashboard / statusgrid – SOFT state filter not working
16602 models scroll list all models – scroll not working correctly, mouse wheel vs click and drag the scroll bar to see the problem
16552 Plugin – Fatal error Uncaught exception ‘SSHConnectorException’ with message ‘Can’t connect to host []’ in /usr/local/opmon/share/oplib/libphp/opmonclasses/SSHConnector.php:50
16550 OpCFG – apply / export must not show check_result_path is deprecated
16549 OpCFG – when adding a host, required parameters must be checked
16548 OpCFG – adding a service requires minimum configuration
16547 Shortcut tree – when a item is moved in tree, it expands all
16546 Dashboard – filter by host_name can not use contain
16536 Scat API – PHP Fatal Error on get_status() on a non-object in /var/local/opmon/share/oplib/libphp/opmonclasses/Scat.php on line 195
16534 Shortcuts Tree order and moving problems – tree does not respect where I place a item
16533 Models list – scroll bar not working when too many models
16506 Alert summary – user that has access to a service but not its host, must be able to see this service on the alert summary
16505 Documentation – User that has permition to see a service, but not its host, can not access service documentaion
16501 Dashboard network data – not converting the unit to Mbps, Gbps, but the value is converted
16498 Statusgrid scroll problems on Firefox and strange behaviour on other browsers
16481 OTA – problems adding probes from OpMon to a remote OTA
16467 Model Oracle – commands can not have single quotes, but parameters must
16444 opmonconnector – metric_id must be a unsigned long int
16371 Objects spreadsheet – problem generating the spreadsheet for a customer
16370 Models combo component – when many multiple selections are made, combo fills up and the remaining itens can not be selected
16304 OpCFG SQL update – double backslash replacement can not run twice, removing backslashes that should not be replaced
16303 CP export to PNG – clipping number when number longer than 5 digits
16250 Models pear bug – missing include in php-nagios-plugins library
16233 Models interface – clipping part of the screen when there are many models
16232 Windows SNMP model – service check doest not return CRITICAL
16231 Models – uninstall and install of models do not respect categories
16223 Scat disappears from Scat interface when its type is changed
16211 notify by email plugin – missing images for some states to build the email
16209 Dashborad saves timers but when loading, does not retrieve the time
16205 OpCFG – missing flush privileges when grating access to opreports user
16202 Host delete – when removing a host, list of elements to be removed shows a different host
16200 Dashboard is not considering the display_status > 2 as a problem, using the old status
16131 OpCFG export – rm does no delete a lot o of files on large customers when full exporting
15860 Statusgrid – when selecting a shortcut, two requests for the same information are done
15853 Dashboard audit must log as Dashboard and not SavedDashboard
15811 OpCFG API must not allow duplicate null command_name to be added
15808 OpCFG API must not allow duplicate service_description nor null service_description to be added
15806 OpCFG API must not allow duplicate host_name nor null host_name to be added
15799 Eventguard not processing regexp rules
15795 SLM – missing log used on detailed SLM report
15773 CP – servicegroup by mail only generates the first item on the group
15750 dashboard – duration macro in not returning right
15737 ONC Android is not connecting after certificate was udpated
14757 Topology – refesh button is not working


Updated on 01/09/2021

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